Home Automobile Hacking Resource

Automobile Hacking Resource

All in one resources

  • Awesome Canbus - This curated list helps a reverse engineering CAN bus devices with lightly specializing in automotive embedded controller software and communication understanding.


  • πŸ”CarHackingTools - Collection of Common Car Hacking Tools a scripts collection to help jump start car research and hacking.
  • πŸ”Caring Caribou - A friendly car security exploration tool for the CAN bus.
  • πŸ”CAN_Reverse_Engineering - Automated Payload Reverse Engineering Pipeline for the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol.
  • πŸ”carhacking - Car hacking scripts and docs collection.
  • ReCAN - Reverse engineering of Controller Area Networks.
  • parse_can_logs - Parse CAN logs and visualize data streams on plot.
  • reversegear - Offline Reverse Engineering Tools for Automotive Networks.
  • πŸ”CANalyzat0r - Security analysis toolkit for proprietary car protocols.
  • πŸ”CANToolz - Black-box CAN network analysis framework.
  • GVRET - Generalized Electric Vehicle Reverse Engineering Tool (Arduino FW).
  • UDSim - Unified Diagnostic Services Simulator and Fuzzer (successor of uds-server).
  • uds-server - CAN UDS Simulator and Fuzzer.
  • CANalyse - A vehicle network analysis and attack tool.
  • canhack - A low-level CAN protocol hacking library.
  • canDrive - Tools for hacking your car.
  • Carpunk - CAN injection toolkit and successor of CANghost.
  • CANghost - Automated Script For Hacking Into CAN Bus.
  • canTot - Quick and dirty canbus h4xing framework.
  • CANanalyze - This framework can be used to interact with automotive protocols like CAN/ISOTP/UDS.
  • Scapy - Python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library. Supports CAN/ISOTP/UDS/GMLAN plus many other protocols.
  • CAN-RE-Tool - Reverse engineering tool for systems based on CAN bus communications.
  • πŸ”can-explorer - A CAN bus visualization tool to aid in reverse engineering.


Car Hacking Village CTF - DEF CON 30 - Writeup



Car Hacker’s Handbook A Guide for the Penetration Tester by Craig Smith

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