Home Goals



Wanted to write down a self-goal setting, the aim is to improve my red team skills to understand more about Active Directory Enumeration, using C2 ,perform advanced penetration tests against mature organizations with an established security function and exploitation skills needed to crack the critical security mitigations protecting enterprises.

Note taking will probably be move to gitbook or some other platform. Here remains more for walk through of machine!

A big reminder to myself that this isn’t a sprint. It’s a long marathon, so lets take it steadily.

Red team certification to take:

Challenges :


The order and timeline CRTP(2-3 Months) -> CRTE (Just do the exam) -> PACES (2-3 Months) + HTB: Offshore + HTB: RastaLabs -> Certified Red Team Operator (CRTO) (2-3 Months) -> OSEP

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